The Bible Project

So this year I’m attempting to read through the whole bible by following this excellent reading plan put together by The Bible Project. The Bible Project guys have also created some amazing videos to accompany the reading plan. These videos gave a short, but quite comprehensive, summary of each book of the bible. They’ll be…

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Post frequency

If I have any regular readers any longer after so long without a post, you’ll have noted that I haven’t posted for ages. Going forward I’m not planning on doing ‘regular’ updates, but rather only as and when I have something worth sharing. I have a few guides in the pipeline at the moment… How…

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WordPress Plugins I Use

I will fully admit that I have cribbed the following plugin and optimisation recommendations from the brilliant Labnol site: This is a great site which is one of my ‘daily visits’, it regularly has superb how-to guides and it coincidentally had these WordPress articles at just the right time I needed them. Both…

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WordPress Tweaks

I will fully admit that I have cribbed the following optimisation recommendations from the brilliant Labnol site: This is a great site which is one of my ‘daily visits’, it regularly has superb how-to guides and it coincidentally had these WordPress articles at just the right time I needed them. Both the ‘Optimisations’ and ‘Must…

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Hi readers, Just a quick note to say that I’m off on holidays for the next few weeks so any updates will be few and far between. Looking forward to recharging and getting some time to think about the more meaty theological things that I’d like to start working through. Among these… Biblical inerrancy –…

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