Hi readers,
Just a quick note to say that I’m off on holidays for the next few weeks so any updates will be few and far between. Looking forward to recharging and getting some time to think about the more meaty theological things that I’d like to start working through. Among these…
- Biblical inerrancy – is EVERYTHING in the Bible 100% accurate & what afre the consequences if it is not?
- How the Bible was put together – who decided what goes into the Bible and what doesn’t?
- Hell – what is it and is it an everlasting place of torment or does it have an end for those in it?
- Sexuality – a look at homosexuality in the church
All of these are HUGE things on their own and books could be written (and have been) on each of them. But I’m simply going to think through them myself with some help from other books, friends and family and try to come to some conclusions in my own mind about what I feel is correct. Bearing in mind that in 20 years (or even 2 months) from now I may completely change my viewpoint! We can only do our best at any time in life.
Also hoping to pick up a tech series when I get back on network security and pen-testing. Inspired by the Hacking Team leaks and all the new 0-days now out there, I want to do some experimenting of my own and try to exploit some vulnerabilities on some computers in my own house or in some VMs I’ll set up. I’ll probably throw together a brief guide to basic pen-testing methodology and tools (using metasploit via Kali linux running in a VM mainly).
I’ll also keep adding to my home networking and home server posts.